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Мини-симпозиум «Исследование сознания: междисциплинарный подход»


Мини-симпозиум: «Исследование сознания: междисциплинарный подход»

7 декабря 2018 г в 11:00 в Большом конференц-зале ИВНД и НФ РАН

Программа мини-симпозиума:

11:00 "Free will and Consciousness: an interdisciplinary research project at School of Advanced Studies, University of Tyumen"

Professor, PhD Louis Vervoort, School of Advanced Studies University of Tyumen, Russian Federation

Abstract: Prof. Vervoort will briefly present a research project on free will and consciousness started at the University of Tyumen about a year ago. He will present the team and the disciplines involved until now (essentially, neuroscience, physics, computer science, philosophy, history), as well as some recently initiated or projected lines of research. One goal of the project is to explore bridges between natural and human / social sciences.

11:45 “Does Chance Hide Necessity ? Determinism and free will in physics”

Professor, PhD Louis Vervoort, School of Advanced Studies University of Tyumen, Russian Federation

12:30 “Determinism and the freedom of choice in working brain.”

Dr. Georgy Ivanitsky, Prof. Dr. Alexey Ivanitsky, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and neurophysiology RAS, Moscow, Russia

13:15"The study of visual perception in non-human primates: is it possible to objectively study the "subjective" sensations of animals?"

Dr. Igor Bondar, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and neurophysiology RAS, Moscow, Russia

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